You know what the number one promise in the Bible is? It also happens to be the main thing God tells people who are stressed out, overwhelmed and at the end of their rope. Here it is: I’ll be with you. “God, I don't know how this situation is going to work out.” I'll be with you. “I'm not sure I can go on.” I'll be with you. “God I'm too weak morally, spiritually, physically.” I'll be with you. “God I'm not smart enough.” I'll be with you. “God I'm not a bold enough.” I'll be with you. “God, I am totally overwhelmed and tired.” I'll be with you. “God, I don't know if I can handle it.” I'll be with you. “God, I feel like giving up!” I'll be with you and you will rise up! Listen, no matter how alone you feel, no matter how silent God seems, when you call out He listens. When you reach out, He is there. He is protecting you. You are not alone. In fact, often when God seems most distant, it's in those times He's actually closest. 
