With Easter approaching will you open your focus and begin to see life with two sets of eyes? One that looks at your micro focus of the moment, and another that sees the macro focus of finding God’s friends. Being His representative, being interruptible, and noticing those He moves in your path. Will you open your heart to people not like you? People who are older, younger, liberal, conservative, minority, non-minority, poor, rich, white collar, blue collar, or no collar? Will you employ radical acceptance to love and respect people as human beings made in the image of God? Most importantly, will you open your story? Will you share what God has done in your life to show what God can do in someone else’s life? Will you be a friend to those people who are God’s friend, but just don’t know it? If you are open to it, I think God has a great adventure in store. The closer you get to God the more you have a heart for those farthest from God.

